
The Imagine story, a crazy gamble

The 5th generation from a long dynasty of artists


Descended from a long line of artists, the Massot family has spent a long time working with the major circuses in France and Europe. Then, in 1999, they decided to create their own show, under the poetic and evocative name ‘IMAGINE’.
Originally a travelling show, the Circus’ big top toured around Europe for a long time. Over time, the idea emerged of “setting up home” and creating a permanent venue dedicated to circus arts, and all forms of the arts.
The attractiveness of the Lyon area won over David and Anastasiya Massot, who decided to move to the Carré de Soie quarter in 2012.

Today, the 5th generation leads this innovative and delightful concept and is carrying on the passion for the circus.

Over 10 years of dinner shows

Since 2012, the shows have been performed and are all completely different. Each season, the troupe is updated to welcome new artists and new acts. In total, almost 90 artists have performed since the beginning!

This 2024–2025 season hosts the seventh edition of the dinner show: Act VII.


Act 1

Act I was the first cabaret-circus show with a troupe of around ten artists. It was performed from 2012 to 2015 and was a great success. A promising start!

Act 2

Act II, performed from 2015 to 2017 took inspiration from the first show. Anastasiya Massot became an artistic director for the show that year.

Act 3

Act III started in 2017 and ended in 2019. The show was a great success with a host of new acts: diabolo, aerial globe, etc.

Act 4

Act IV was performed from 2019 to 2022. This season was affected by Covid and the fifteen artists had a strong bond with each other. This was the last show where director and artist, David Massot, performed.

Act 5

Act V marked the tenth anniversary of Cirque Imagine. A show full of colour, bringing together 17 international artists with spectacular acts!

Act 6

Act VI was performed during the 2023/2024 season and saw the beginning of a new era: each season getting its own show. Artists from all over the world delighted guests for a whole year!